
    Thank you for your interest in my services!  You’re likely here because you’ve had an injury or because you’ve developed a problem for one reason or another, or for no apparent reason.  In any case, you may be having a little or a lot of difficulty doing what you need to be able to do.  You may find that the simplest of tasks, that the rest of us take for granted, are very painful or are a major task just to accomplish.  


I have been working with people just like you throughout my career, and there’s not a whole lot that I enjoy more than helping someone find relief or get back to doing, comfortably, things that they haven’t been able to do in weeks, months or even years. 



You may have been told that you’re just going to have to live with the pain or that the only thing that can be done is surgery or to manage it with pain medicine or anti-inflammatories.   You may have been told that you have to stop jogging or walking or whatever it is that you love to do.  


Maybe you haven’t been told anything which is why you need help.  You aren’t sure if you should do this or that or if by continuing to do your normal activities you’ll make your condition worse.


Whatever your scenario, you deserve a proper and thorough mechanical evaluation with adequate time to tell your story, explaining how your symptoms behave and share your goals, a thorough physical examination and then, based on how your symptoms respond to the exam, an explanation of what your exam indicates and a personalized and systematic plan to get you where you want to be.


Unfortunately, that may be what you’ve needed all along but other attempts and interventions have failed to provide. 


    As a famous physician, Rowley Bristow, once said, 


        “In medicine, it’s generally not a case of not knowing, it’s a case of not looking.”


Once I complete my initial evaluation, so many of my patients have said to me, 'why hasn't anyone else ever told me this before?'


I want to encourage you to reach out to me and allow me to understand just a couple of pieces of information about you and your condition to learn if we are a good fit for each other - or better yet, book an appointment today!


To create an account and schedule in Cordova at 7730 B Trinity Rd Suite 123 (inside CrossFit Memphis) click here


I look forward to helping you…

  “get back to doing